International League of Peoples’ Struggle
Indonesia Chapter

The United States (US) imperialism under Donald Trump’s reign reveals itself as the most evil of single world’s power, most barbaric and war insane. The unilateral political stance of the US government on the official avowal of the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer planned of central Israeli political administration from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will not only destroy the ongoing peace process and the recognition of the people of the world over the existence of two states of Israel and Palestine, but it will be immediately fueled the waves of violence and resistance war of the Palestinian people and the world people’s solidarity.

The world’s people those who crave the peace of world, independence and the sovereignty of every countries, have so far given full support to the establishment of the Palestinian state as an independent and sovereign country. But the process of independence and the recognition of the world‘s people over the independence of the Palestinian people is facing a big obstacle’s rock, that is the support of the US Imperialist on the ongoing process of Israeli military aggression over the occupied Palestinian territories in Jerusalem, including the position of East Jerusalem which proclaimed as the capital of Palestinian state.

The politics that run by the US Government under the administration of Donald Trump on the issue of territorial disputes concerning the existence of two states of Israel and Palestine, has literally crushed oppressively the aspirations of the Palestinian people and the support of the people over the world. The US government under Donald Trump is also shows itself which is unreliable as a neutral mediator over the peaceful process of territorial dispute between Israel-Palestine, even as part of the biggest problem and barrier to the independence process of the Palestinian state as a sovereign state. It is more clear shows that the US imperialist position as the world’s sole power is the root of the people’s problems over the world, the actual firebrand and creator of wars of aggression and intervention, and the true enemy of world peace coveted by all the people of the world.

Responding to the official stance of the US Government under Donald Trump’s administration of the latest developments in the sovereignty of the Palestinian people, the International League of People Struggle (ILPS) of Indonesian Chapter expresses our stance and demands:

  1. Strongly Condemn the US Government’s unilateral political stance under Donald Trump for the official support of the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
  2. Demanding that the US government immediately revoke its official support of the status of Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel, apologize to the Palestinians and the people over the world and be responsible for the implications it has caused.

Demands to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

  1. We are demanding the Government of Joko Widodo to decided bilateral relationship with the US Government and expel the US Ambassador in Jakarta, because of the political stance of the US Government is contrary to the principles of the Constitution of the Indonesian people as stipulated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

ILPS Indonesia Call to all of Organization’s members of the ILPS Indonesia and to all of Indonesians people to conduct a national solidarity movement to support the struggle of the Palestinian people and express their condemnation, protest and demands directly to all representatives of the US embassies and consulates throughout Indonesia.

Freedom for Palestine!
Long Live People Struggle!!
Long Live International Solidarity!

Jakarta, December 9th 2017
International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS)
Chapter Indonesia

Rudi HB. Daman
Harry Sandy Ame
Secretary General
Email: [email protected]
HP: +6281213172878
CP: [email protected]
HP: +6287885594382

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