4th International Assembly
Imperialism’s impact on the peoples of the world
05/05/2012 | 0 min Read
By BASICSCNS Hundreds of delegates from over 40 countries attended ...
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 14
ILPS Concern 14: Arts and culture and free flow of …
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 15
ILPS Concern 15: Justice and indemnification for the victims of …
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 2
ILPS Concern 2: Socio-economic development for oppressed and exploited countries …
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 4
ILPS Concern 4: The cause of just peace and struggles …
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 5
ILPS Concern 5: Promotion of trade union and other democratic …
Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 8
ILPS Concern 8: Rights of the youth to education and …