4th International Assembly

Imperialism’s impact on the peoples of the world

By BASICSCNS Hundreds of delegates from over 40 countries attended ...

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 14

ILPS Concern 14: Arts and culture and free flow of …

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 15

ILPS Concern 15: Justice and indemnification for the victims of …

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 2

ILPS Concern 2: Socio-economic development for oppressed and exploited countries …

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 4

ILPS Concern 4: The cause of just peace and struggles …

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 5

ILPS Concern 5: Promotion of trade union and other democratic …

Highlights and resolutions in Workshop 8

ILPS Concern 8: Rights of the youth to education and …