About The League
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) is an anti-imperialist and democratic formation. It promotes, supports and develops the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles of the peoples of the world against imperialism and all reaction.
It has a broad mass character and not subordinate to any political party, government or religion and affords equality to all participating organizations .
It strives to realize the unity, cooperation and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world.

The League Fights For The Following Concerns:
- The cause of national liberation, democracy and social liberation;
- Socio-economic development and social justice;
- Human rights in the civil, political, economic, social and cultural fields;
- The cause of just peace;
- Independent trade union and workers’ and toilers’ rights and reduction of working hours at full pay against mass unemployment and decreasing wage levels;
- Agrarian reform and rights of peasants, farm workers and fisherfolk;
- The cause of women’s rights and liberation;
- Rights of the youth to education and employment;
- Children’s rights against child labour, sexual abuse and other forms of exploitation;
- Rights of indigenous peoples, oppressed nations and nationalities against chauvinism and racism;
- The rights of teachers, researchers and other educational personnel;
- The right of the people to health care and the rights of health workers;
- Science and technology for the people and development, and environmental protection;
- Arts and culture and free flow of information in the service of the people;
- Rights and welfare of the diaspora, refugees and migrant workers displaced by imperialism and local reactionaries
- Rights of elderly and other differently-abled people to a life of dignity and secure existence
- Rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans-gendered.
- The rights of homeless, urban poor and internally displaced people against gentrification, forced evictions, containment, criminalization and exploitation.
- Defense of the environment against imperialist plunder and overproduction as the main causes of ecological degradation, resource depletion, and climate crisis.
- The struggle of faith-based associations against fascism and imperialism and for the attainment of just peace.
Our Aims And Activities:

- To stimulate, facilitate and coordinate common lines of action and undertake definite actions on the aforesaid concerns and issues,
- To cooperate with all possible organizations, institutions and personages in the attainment of the aims and purposes of the League,
- The activities of the League include:advocacy, research, publications, conferences, seminars and social and political action.
Who Can Join The League?
- Any organization that agrees with the charter of the League may apply or may be invited to become a participating organization of the League.
- The application shall be evaluated and acted upon by the International Coordinating Committee within one year from such application or invitation.
- All participating organizations shall assume responsibilities in accordance with the resolutions and decisions of the International Assembly.
- All participating organizations shall have equal basic rights and duties.
- A participating organization may cease to be such by resignation, self-dissolution or by expulsion for serious violation of this charter, resolutions or decisions of the International Assembly.
- All participating organizations shall maintain their independence and initiative and shall accordingly have equal basic rights and duties.
Ilps Introduction
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) was founded on 25 May 2001 in Zutphen, the Netherlands in its First International Assembly (FIA).
The FIA was attended by 339 delegates and guests, representing 218 mass organizations from 40 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and USA.
From 25 to 27 May 2001, the delegates deliberated on and ratified the Charter of the ILPS, passed resolutions on the concerns of the League and elected the members of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC).
Fifteen workshops were held addressing the issues of most of the 18 concerns. Resource speakers made very informative presentations, draft resolutions were deliberated on, and country experiences were shared. The resolutions formulated by the different workshop groups were submitted and approved in the plenary session. Resolutions on specific issues and country situations were also submitted for signing by individual members. It was a historic moment for all progressive forces throughout the world who are fighting for national independence, democracy and social liberation against imperialism and reaction.