ILPS Global Day of Action

The ILPS calls on its member organizations to recognize October 7 as International Solidarity Day with the Palestinian people. We invite anti-imperialists worldwide to join or initiate solidarity actions for Palestine.

Background Context:

On the 1 year anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood  by the Palestinian national resistance on October 7th, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their century-long fight for national liberation against Zionist settler-colonialism backed by the imperialist powers and resistance against the genocide that is spreading across the Levant.

The Al-Aqsa Flood comes in the context of the ongoing struggle for national liberation of Palestine, dating back to the British colonization of Palestine in 1920 after World War I and even the Balfour Declaration in 1917. The imperialists used Palestine as a release valve for their own brutality against Jews and empowering the nascent reactionary nationalism known as Zionism by aiding and abetting settler-colonialism against the Palestinian people and their lands. 

The subsequent century of ethnic cleansing from settler-colonialism by the Zionist occupation  has resulted in an ongoing Nakba since 1947, increasingly stealing and occupying more Palestinian land and displacing its peoples from home without a right to return, culminating in dividing Palestine into a bantustan-like West Bank and open air prison in the Gaza Strip. After British imperialism was superseded in the region by the United States, they have given over $317.9b in aid to the Zionist entity in order to keep them as a watchdog for the United States’s larger imperialist interests in West Asia.

This is the context for the Al-Aqsa Flood alongside the longstanding national Palestinian resistance against Zionist settler-colonialism and U.S. imperialism. For almost a year, this resistance movement has continued fighting in defense of the Palestinian land and people from Zionist genocide. It has expanded to include multiple  resistance organizations in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran, targeting military targets deep within the land occupied by the Zionist entity while doing its utmost to avoid civilian casualties. Through the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, this Axis of Resistance has made impactful blows against the fascist Zionist forces in their expansionist interests for conquest of land for their ethno-religious apartheid project of “Greater Israel.” They have made strikes againstUS and Western imperialist forces supporting Israel and other local reactionary regimes to maintain access to land and markets for plundering raw materials like petroleum and imposing aggressive development schemes like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Truly, Al-Aqsa Flood is a national liberation operation, not a terrorist operation as the imperialists and Zionists would have us believe.  The terrorists are the imperialists and Zionists themselves, as their genocidal behavior has clearly shown for the past year.

Since October 7th, the Zionist entity—with the full backing of additional billions of dollars in military aid and arms sales by the United States in particular—has conducted a genocide that has been confirmed to have killed over 41,000 Palestinians through direct airstrikes and gunfire, and  possibly over 335,000 through forced starvation, disease, and ecocide, has invaded Lebanon and bombed Syria, martyring leaders of the resistance such as Ismail Haniyeh and Sayyed Nasrallah. Nonetheless, the Zionist entity and the U.S. have not been able to accomplish one single military objective against the resistance and the people. The Zionists are becoming increasingly isolated in the international situation as the people’s consciousness is rising and the struggle of a Palestine free from the river to the sea marches onwards by any means necessary.

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle expresses its unwavering support for the national resistance of Palestinians and the Al-Aqsa Flood, as well as a free Palestine from the river to the sea, by adopting a Special Declaration on Palestine  at its 7th International Assembly in Malaysia in 2024.

Call for an International Day of Action:

ILPS calls on its members to take actions in commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood and the continued resistance to genocide in Palestine and invasion in Lebanon and in solidarity with the Palestinian peoples’ call for national liberation, self-determination, and peace and justice in West Asia.

The following calls can be issued during these actions:

  • Long Live Palestine!
  • Long Live the Palestinian Resistance! Long Live the Al-Aqsa Flood!
  • Long Live the Axis of Resistance!
  • From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!
  • Down with Zionism! Down with Imperialism!

Actions that can be taken around or on October 7

HOLD ACTIONS outside of Israeli or US embassies/consulates, institutions supporting or aiding the ongoing genocide to demand accountability and expose the settler-colonialism backed fully by the United States and other imperialist countries

  • Footage in the form of pictures or videos can be sent to [email protected] for compilation. If posted online, be sure to tag @ilps_official

📸 TAKE A PHOTO of yourself or members of your organization holding up signs of the above calls

  • Footage of mobilizations along with photo actions should use the hashtag #YearOfGenocide, with a hashtag for boycott campaigns: #InternationalBoycottDay. Email footage to [email protected] 

💵 BDS: Supporting and launching campaigns worldwide to boycott, divest, and sanction the occupying entity and increasing opposition towards it within institutions and publicly

  • Use the BDS toolkit from the Global Campaign for the Return to Palestine

📚 HOLD POLITICAL EDUCATION sessions publicly or within your organizations. Use the materials found in the ILPS Palestine 101 toolkit as the content for these studies.

📝 WRITE AND PUBLISH STATEMENTS in solidarity with the people of Palestine and their struggle for an end to the genocide, ending the occupation, and national liberation

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