ILPS Statement on the ‘flour massacre’ and Israel’s impending invasion of Rafah

All eyes are on Rafah, where over 1.5 million Palestinians seek refuge, while Israel plans an all-out ground offensive in the supposed “safe zone.” Trapped in the city of Rafah, more than half of Gaza’s population faces a dire reality with nowhere else to escape. Israel’s relentless attacks have left the enclave reduced to rubble, teetering on the brink of famine, with its hospitals besieged and a tragic toll of more than 29,000 Palestinians massacred.

ILPS condemns the recent slaughter of more than 100 people awaiting food and aid in northern Gaza. In a harrowing testimony from a Palestinian survivor, they recounted, “[w]e went to get flour. The Israeli army shot at us. There are many martyrs on the ground.” This mass shooting is the latest in the systematic attacks on the starving people of Palestine.

The massacre has made it clear to everyone that the depravity of Zionist Israel knows no bounds. This policy of killings and starvation must be condemned by the peoples of the world. It is important to note that Israel could not sustain its genocide against Gaza without the unwavering support and cover provided by Western powers, particularly the United States.

The US is preparing to send more bombs and weapons to Israel. The very bullets and bombs claiming the lives of Palestinians are made and supplied by the US. Despite its purported stance against the invasion of Rafah, the imperialist nation shamelessly gears up to fuel the pogrom in Gaza.

Since October 2023, the Biden administration has significantly bolstered military aid to Israel, encompassing arms, munitions, aerial support, and intelligence cooperation. A wide range of weaponry continues to be supplied, such as bombs, ammunition, fighter jets, drones, and support vehicles. Israel remains the foremost beneficiary of US foreign aid, having received $330 billion since 1948, with annual defense assistance exceeding $3 billion.

No amount of insincere display of concern from Biden can cover up their direct involvement in the war crimes of Israel. The colonial state has been the face of US imperialism in the Middle East. Its barbarism is consented to and emboldened by unwavering support from its powerful ally.

Enablers of genocide

The unconditional backing of the US and the lack of international accountability have allowed Israel to continue committing unspeakable crimes against Palestinians. The United Nations’ ineffectiveness persists, with the US blocking UN initiatives aimed at Israel by wielding its veto power.

In a recent display of its hegemony, the US has again for the third time vetoed a draft UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution for a truce. This is despite widespread clamor from people’s movements and even governments for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Clearly, the US is pulling out all the stops to support the Israeli occupation and enable more war crimes. Meanwhile, its allies in Europe have also been complicit in these atrocities.

The Dutch government approved the delivery of components for F-35 fighter jets, which are currently deployed in the carpet bombing of Gaza. Germany also stands out as one of the countries in Europe providing the strongest political and material support to Israel. The German government has allowed $328 million in arms exports, with 85 percent of licenses approved after the October 7 attack, following an order to prioritize Israel.

These European states have not only been sending death machines to Israel, but they have also completely ignored widespread public outcry from their citizens for a ceasefire, an arms embargo, and the severing of ties with Israel. Worse yet, these governments have responded by criminalizing support for Palestine, doubling down on crackdowns, and banning anti-Zionist protests and organizations.

The cozy relationship between the US, European, and Israeli governments, along with their arms industries, persists despite mounting evidence of war crimes in Gaza, with impunity assured.

Our last refuge

With US imperialism, its allies, and institutions brazenly supporting Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians, it remains our duty to resist.

As Israel prepares to invade Gaza’s Rafah at the start of Ramadan, it’s crucial that we maintain actions and protests worldwide in support of the Palestinian resistance.

We have shown that our strength lies in collective action, uniting communities and movements to expose and oppose the US and Israel both domestically and globally. The truth has been laid bare – the US-Israel warmachine is the enemy. As internal divisions grow and political pressure mounts on Israel and the United States, we must push back harder and intensify our efforts further.

We have already begun pressuring our governments and must continue to do so. More than ever, we should amplify the call for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide. While supporting the landmark case against Israel for its war on Gaza in the International Court of Justice, we must also demand the unconditional end of the blockade as well as the cessation of all military and foreign aid to the Zionist state. For immediate relief, we must support calls for the safe passage of food, medicine, and aid for Palestinians.

Another crucial pressure point is the boycott of Israel on all fronts, including diplomatic, political, and cultural arenas. Our refusal to support institutions and corporations that enable genocidal Israel has proven effective, while our unwavering support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom and liberation remains paramount.

Our mobilizations at this moment can be more decisive than ever, and it’s crucial that we expose the collusion of and hold accountable US imperialism, Israel, and all predatory classes that have enabled the genocide of Palestinians.

As US-backed Israel kills starving Palestinians and, now threatens to decimate Gaza’s last refuge, peoples of the world should unite and support the just armed Palestinian resistance to defend their land, people, and self-determination from the Zionist occupation. The true last refuge of the people of Palestine is indeed resistance.

We, in ILPS, reiterate that the Palestinian resistance serves as a beacon to all peoples struggling for national and social liberation and therefore we must support it as if it was our own.#

Stop the invasion of Rafah! End the siege of Gaza!
End the arms support to Israel!
Expose and oppose imperialist US, and its allies complicit to the genocide!
Free Palestine!
Long live international Solidarity!
Down with US imperialism!



Len Cooper

ILPS Chairperson

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