Since the British Industrial Revolution in 1770, capitalism has been the teacher for all people and nations in their subjugation efforts against nature. Until the end of the 19th century, capitalism not only subjugated and destroyed nature, but shamelessly colonized the underdeveloped and weak countries and people.

In the beginning of 20th century, capitalism has been dying and decaying, multiplying the brutal exploitation which is now known as imperialism. Destruction of nature and people under the monopoly of capitalism rapidly increasing that never seen before. It includes natural destruction because World War I and II as a birth sign of the nuclear radiation which is disproportionately associated with carbon contamination and methane which are intentionally negotiated and long drawn out.Imperialism forced the nation and people in Indonesia to live under a semi-colonial and semi-feudal system until today. The power of imperialism took 1% from us as their accomplices. They are supported and maintained to control the best of 46% land and natural capital from Indonesia, the biggest archipelagic country in the world. They are suppressing the majority of us to live in poverty as a consequence of protracted chronic crises that keep on decaying.

Indonesia is one of the most threatened countries by climate change. Indonesia also is the one country which can handle climate change because of its total population and has special tropical forests, peatland and swamp. We came here from Indonesia, from all over the world not to bum off 100 Billion dollar funds and technology transfer as Joko Widodo did, the President of Indonesia and another leader of imperialist puppet states. We came here to assert responsibility for the nature and people’s damage that imperialism has created over hundreds of years.

The sweat and blood of us, our ancestors, parents and grandchild made the US, Europe, and even Japan move forward to build their strength and power, while we are the ones always being beaten. We come to assert our rights which have been deprived, our natural resources, and our peasant communities who live only with 50 thousand rupiah (below 4 dollar) per day.

Previously you taught us to use coal, at the moment we only use firewood. You forced us to cook with an oil stove the moment we used firewood. You stopped us from using kerosene for cooking and moving to gas, and you dictated our government to pull out subsidies on fuel. Then now, you said that gas contains methane that harms the climate. Stop all the game about this climate, stop all this pretense. Admit that imperialism is the sole power that destroys nature and people’s lives.

To all oppressed and exploited people and nations, now is the time to destroy the imperialist domination in our country and together defeat them with our genuine international solidarity. We must convince ourselves to be in the midwife of birth of the new system that ensures justice for the people, nature and climate!

Long live international solidarity! All oppressed and exploited people and nation, unite!

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