Statement of the ILPS Regional Committee for Africa and West Asia

The Africa and West Asia Committee of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) supports the Kenyan people’s determination and assertion of their fundamental collective people’s economic rights and sovereign will. These are embodied in the Algiers Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples in 1976. In addition, the freedoms of speech and assembly are hard-earned democratic rights of the Kenyan people and are enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya. 

The call comes in the wake of the ongoing intense nation-wide anti-imperialist and democratic protest movement in Kenya. Since June 18th this year, the people of Kenya have held rallies in protest of the Ruto administration’s Finance Bill of 2024, an imperialist imposition through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which will raise taxes on basic everyday necessities like sugar, bread, and cooking oil while nearly four out of ten people are unemployed. The protest movement had also unmasked Ruto as a puppet of US imperialism and the masses are calling for his resignation. Protests has since spread to 36 counties. In the aftermath, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights reports that 50 people have been killed, 413 injured and 59 have been abducted. More than 335 protesters have been arrested. The administration is increasingly adopting repressive measures to quell the protests. Protesters have been shot and harassed, rallies in Nairobi have been banned by the police and the media have been warned for covering anti-government protests.  A Milimani High Court though temporarily suspended the ban on rallies.

One of the victims of police harassment and intimidation is Booker Ngesa Omole. Booker is the National Vice Chairperson of the Communist Party of Kenya and an outspoken critic of the Finance Bill and government repression. His car has been impounded, his property was invaded, and he himself has been invited for questioning by the Director of Criminal Investigation at the Central Police Station. 

Just yesterday, police likewise harassed and prevented the holding of people’s assemblies in communities like Kasarani and Mlango Kubwa in Nairobi. Some activists in Mlango Kubwa have been arrested but were subsequently released. The assemblies are taking place in various communities in preparation for the Nane Nane protest on Thursday, 8th August, 2024. 

These police actions are obviously part of a government plan to harass and intimidate suspected protesters and prevent the exercise of the people’s right to assemble.

We call on all democratic forces in Kenya to ensure that the voice of the people is heard and condemn the repressive acts of the government and the blatant violation of human rights. 

We enjoin other members, friends, and allies of ILPS, all democratic forces all over the world, to resist all imperialist impositions and come out with statements in support of the Kenyan people’s struggle against imperialist dictates, bureaucrat capitalism, and repression. 

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