Proponent: Center for Social Studies

Recognizing that the continuing global capitalist crisis since 2008 has accelerated and intensified the struggle for the redivision of the world among the leading imperialist powers;

Confronting the fact that the intensifying contention and rivalry among the imperialists aggravates the exploitation and oppression of the proletariat and people of the world;

Affirming that the time is ripe for uniting all or most of the antiimperialist forces around the world to oppose the imperialist world system in a sustained and organized way;

Striving to implement the longstanding policy of the ILPS s to expand its work through an international anti-imperialist united front, which is even wider and stronger than what the ILPS is now; and

Availing of the cooperation of other international anti-imperialist and democratic formations and social networks s to create a wider global anti-imperialist alliance based on consensus, consultations and coordination,

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, hereby resolve to support and take an active role in the formation of the International Anti-imperialist and Anti-fascist United Front (IAIAFUF) against imperialist plunder, state terrorism, fascistization, fascism, foreign military intervention, subversion and wars of aggression – for democracy
and freedom, national and social liberation and socialism.

We resolve further to authorize representatives of the ILPS International Coordinating Committee to participate in the International Preparatory Committee for the formation of the IAIAFUF in order to prepare the documents of the alliance.

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