This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS). To commemorate this, a series of events will take place over the months of August to December 2021 with the theme “ILPS@20: Advancing the Peoples’ Democratic and Anti-Imperialist Struggles”.
The ILPS was formed at the first international assembly in the Netherlands, from the 25 to the 27 of May 2001. Since its inception, the ILPS has grown into the biggest and most effective force for the peoples’ struggles against imperialism and all reaction. At its 6th international assembly (SIA) held in Hong Kong last 2019, 400 participants from 45 countries attended, 285 of whom were delegates from 213 ILPS member organisations.
The ILPS has country chapters and coordinating committees in the five global regions of Africa and West Asia, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Carribean, North America, and Europe, and has 20 separate Commissions made up of people active around the central concerns of the ILPS which go to the heart of the concerns and struggles of the peoples of the world.
We are calling on the ILPS members and all supporters to commemorate our 20th anniversary over the coming months with a range of activities – information, education, and cultural at the country, regional, and international levels, to publicise the ILPS and its activities, its importance to the global struggle for democracy and against imperialism and its vision for the future of the people.
To help do this, we propose the use of promotional materials, videos, songs and other cultural works.
Please reach out, touch base, renew links and gather old and new friends and contacts to activate and reactivate them through solicitation of solidarity messages. for example, as well as invitation to special events organized for the 20th anniversary commemoration. If you can do some fundraising for ILPS, as funds are always necessary to ensure the developing activity of the ILPS, then that would be a great help.
Attached is the plan for commemorative activities. The International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the ILPS will be providing further assistance and suggestions to the commemorative activities. We also encourage everyone to use the ILPS@20 logo and official hashtag #ILPS20 when issuing statements and publicity materials. You may access the logos here.
Apart from celebrating a great and effective 20 years of democratic anti- imperialist activity, please use the opportunity to grow the number of organisations who are becoming members of the ILPS.
Long live the struggle against imperialism and fascism!
Long live international solidarity!