The International League of Peoples’ Struggle Commision 10 sends its condolences to the family, friends, and comrades of anti-imperialist activist, revolutionary leader, and teacher Jose Maria Sison. We pay our highest tributes to the great life and struggle of Ka Joma, both in the struggle for genuine peace and liberation in the Philippines, and his contributions in the struggle of peoples of the world against imperialism and fascism.

The foundations laid down by Ka Joma as a revolutionary leader sparked a movement that spread across the cities and countryside of the Philippines. Through this movement, Filipino Indigenous Peoples found new hope in their long struggle for self-determination. Ka Joma, writing under the nom de guerre Amado Guerrero, highlighted the need to integrate Indigenous Peoples in the national-democratic struggle of the Filipino people, recognizing that Indigenous Peoples are primary victims of imperialist plunder and the wrath of the reactionary state, he also pressed on the need to recognize the autonomy and the right to self-determination of Indigenous Peoples.

“The right to self-determination is an inalienable right– the right is always there to be invoked and exercised” this is how Professor Sison sees the assertion of Indigenous Peoples and national minorities in their right to self-determination. For Ka Joma invoking and exercising these rights will remain necessary so long as oppression and exploitation exists.

Ka Joma also highlighted that battles against ecotourism, environmental plunder, and land-grabbing will triumph if Indigenous Peoples take significant part in these struggles. He also emphasized the role of Indigenous Peoples as defenders of the environment and their part in establishing socialism.

Ever since the days of Marx, up to the era of Chine revolutionary Mao Zedong, Ka Joma pressed on the importance of learning from Indigenous Peoples, garnering knowledge from the experiences and practices of Indigenous communities as the foundations of socialism– a communal and cooperative life.
Even when living under exile, due to the US-Aquino regime canceling his passport in 1987, he continued to work for the cause of the proletariat. He did international solidarity work, connecting with fellow anti-imperialists from different movements around the world. In 2001, Ka Joma served as the founding chairperson of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, with the intention to link anti-imperialist and democratic movements around the world. He is recognized by the international proletariat as a great teacher of Marxism-Lenininsm, and a staunch fighter against imperialism. For Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities, the teachings of Ka Joma serve as a guiding light as we trek the path towards our liberation.

The memory of Ka Joma will continue to live in the hearts and minds of all struggling peoples around the world. His teachings will live through all those struggling against imperialism and fascism, and sure to inspire many more generations aspiring to break free from the chains of oppression and exploitation.

Long live the memory of Jose Maria Sison!
Long live the struggle against imperialism and reaction!

READ IN FRENCH AND SPANISH:…/long-live-the…/ 

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