The people of Guatemala, victim of the neo-liberal policies promoted by the US, which have caused war and economic violence here and throughout the Latin American region, we stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and condemn the US imperialist aggression in the Middle East, an aggression that has only led to death and poverty against the population.
The alleged murder of General Irani Qasem Soleimani, reinvigorated by Donal Trump himself implies a total act of provocation against the people and government of Iran, aimed at justifying a war and an exacerbated escalation of massive and selective violence against unaligned peoples and governments to the American foreign political.
The interventionist, neo-fascist, guerrilla and abusive policies of the US government, as always, jeopardize the stability of the region and global security.
We urgently call on the international community to demonstrate against American aggression in Iran as well as all sister organizations worldwide to continue condemning the actions of the Trump administration against the free peoples of the world.