The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) declares its unreserved solidarity with the people of Colombia who are putting up a magnificent fight for the attainment of democratic rights and civil liberties, pro-people economic policies, inalienable rights to top-quality health treatment in the face of the pandemic, an end to the fascist oppression and violence against the people, and for the demilitarization of Colombia.

A national movement of the Colombian people has been mobilizing across the country since April 28 in reaction to the seven years of state neglect caused by the neoliberal policies of the past and present administrations. The protests were met with violence as the government, under the leadership of Ivan Duque continues to ignore the people’s demands. At present, more than 40 protesters have been killed.

Despite the fascist response, the Colombian people are not backing down. The strength of the movement has forced the government to withdraw the harmful tax reform. It has also led to the resignation of the Minister of Finance and the issuance of several educational and social measures. Until all their demands are met, the people of Colombia are determined to remain on the streets and continue to fight.

In this regard, the ILPS is declaring a week of solidarity in support of the Columbian people from May 19- May 26, 2021. To jumpstart the solidarity week, a webinar will be held on May 19, 9 AM Colombia time, to discuss the main issues and demands of the Colombian People. Register for the webinar here:

We also encourage everyone to participate in the Global Day of Action on May 26 by staging local protests in different Colombian embassies and consulates where physical gatherings are allowed, or conducting online protests if mass gatherings are not permitted.

Solidarity statements and videos will also be posted on different ILPS platforms throughout the weekYou may send your solidarity messages through our email

We call on all ILPS members, affiliated organizations, and allied networks to organize and mobilize support for the ILPS Week of Solidarity with the Colombian People who are resisting imperialism and reaction in order to win freedom, fair treatment, and liberation.

Long live the Colombian peoples’ struggle!
Long live international solidarity!

Len Cooper
ILPS Chairperson
16 May 2021  

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