Peoples’ organizations under ILPS US showed their support to the Global Day of Solidarity for Public Health Not Private Profit by taking selfies along with the calls and demands.
Anakbayan San Diego also joined the International League of Peoples Struggle in the global day of solidarity for public health not private profit. In their statement, they said that
For generations, we have witnessed neoliberal policies corroding our healthcare system, prioritizing profits for the rich at the expense of people. In the midst of this pandemic, countries building socialism have soared beyond capitalist ones, proving what is possible when the interests of the people are put before corporations and the wealthy elite.
In their video message, they echo the following demands:
– Guaranteed incomes and livelihood even under quarantine
– Mass testing and treatment for all
– No bailouts for big corporations, Bailouts for working people
– Social protection for toiling mass
– Respect for democratic and human rights