Warmest greetings of solidarity from ILPS Commission 3 (On Political Prisoners and Human Rights)!

Today we join the struggling peoples of the world in marking International Human Rights Day.

This year’s commemoration bears more weight and meaning as it coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

We note with bitter irony the blatant violations of, and callous disregard, for all norms and standards of human rights and international humanitarian law defined in the UDHR for three quarters of a century as we witness the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people by Zionist Israel and its imperialist sponsors led by the US.

We express our outrage at the carpet bombings perpetrated by Israel with the prodding of other Zionist and imperialist agents, as well as the mass arrests and detention, torture, criminalization of dissent, deprivation of food, water, electricity and other basic needs and the other fascist and genocidal attacks against the struggling Palestinian people. 

As expressly stated in the UDHR’s preamble, people have the inalienable right to resist in the face of repression, tyranny and wars of aggression. We stand resolutely with the people of Palestine and all oppressed peoples in their heroic struggle to uphold human and people’s rights and their democratic aspirations.

Action and active resistance are our concrete expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people, who, like the other struggling peoples of the world, are fighting courageously against grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

Long live the Palestinian people’s struggle for national liberation and democracy!

Long live the struggling peoples of the world!

Down with imperialist aggession!

Fight for human rights!

Justice for victims of human rights violations!

Unite and struggle!

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