Imperialism is the Preserver of Semi-Colonial State of Indonesia
“The Parasitic System Lives from Deprivation of the Basic Rights of Oppressed and Exploited People of the World A True Violator of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
In the midst of natural disaster series that have taken away the right to life of the Indonesian such as earthquakes and floods, the deprivation of Human Rights or Basic Rights of the Indonesian people is a real disaster and calamity for the Indonesian. Policies and regulations as well as anti-people action plans that are continuously implemented by the reactionary state and its puppet government have proven to be an engine that paralyzes vitality, weakens the fighting power, and even systematically kills the hopes of the Indonesian people for the birth of a new system to replace the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system, a new system of justice and guarantee the lasting peace for majority of the people. Indonesia is one of the countries where the most ironic disasters happen repeatedly. People who have experienced natural disasters must do demonstrations in order to get help and defend their former home land from the threat of eviction!
Since its declaration in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is now celebrated as the International Human Rights Day. However, the protection and guarantee of economic, political and cultural rights has continued to deteriorate. People’s rights in whole country to obtain guaranteed welfare, justice and advancement is faced with ongoing deprivation. The class struggle in various countries by the majority of the people against the deprivation of basic rights has intensified.
Imperialism, since dominating the world in the early 20th century, has not only failed to protect and guarantee basic rights for the people, but the system has become a parasite in the truly sense of the word. Imperialism can survive and remain in power to date precisely because of policies, regulations and acts of deprivation of the basic rights of the people of the world. Imperialism has been shown to maintain the power of only a few capitalist-industrial countries who powerful economically and militarily over the majority of non-industrial or agrarian countries through its semi-colonial system. Exports of capital from imperialist countries flooded the semi-colonial countries commensurate to wars of aggression and intervention as well as various “global anti-terror campaigns.” All ideas and forces of the nation and people that are anti-imperialism, who want to be free and uphold national sovereignty, establish a system that is different and independent from imperialism, are tagged as terrorists.
Imperialism has been violating the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights since its inception. In industrial-capitalist countries, only a handful of individuals truly receive protection and guarantees of their basic rights, while the labor class as the majority is the object of sustained oppression and exploitation. The capitalist state not only confiscates the work results of the working class, but continuously suppresses freedom of association and opinion as well as the right to revolt and build a new better system.
Imperialism is the main brain, founder, protector and guarantor of the sustainability of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system that still applies and reigns in hundreds of countries, oppresses and exploits billions of people worldwide. The semi-colonial system and the puppet ruling government in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal country have become a condition for life, a condition for the continuation of imperialism power. The Peasants as the majority class in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal country living in a very wide rural area was shackled in the obsolete production system in such a way. Through that such condition, imperialism and its puppet government hold the key to shackle the entire existing class and the nation as a whole.
The nation and people of Indonesia is the victim of imperialism since the early 20th century. They became an object of oppression and exploitation, even by frequently using the 1948 UDHR and its derivative instruments. Those instruments were deliberately created based on the interests of imperialism system and its class by manipulating the interests of all nations and people of the world. The Indonesian state and government continuing the tradition of colonial oppression by foreign nations in Indonesia, continuously issue policies and regulations to deprive the basic rights of people. Granting certain rights to the people economically and politically even militarily insofar as this can provide benefits for the continued power of the reactionary state and the imperialist puppet government in Indonesia.
By manipulating people’s demands of anti-colonial and anti-imperialism, the state and the puppet government of Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amien along with the approval of his supporters in the House of Representatives (DPR), issued the new Criminal Law/Penal Code which continuing legacy of colonial oppression era as an excuse to terrorize, intimidate and facilitate deprivation basic rights of the people. The Indonesian people who are anti-imperialist with all their ability oppose the issuance of this new law. However, the strength of democratic people’s movement of Indonesia is still too weak in the face of the power of political and military machine of the reactionary state and its puppet government. This law complements the deprivation of people’s basic rights that have been issued under puppet governments in Indonesia since Suharto’s New Order Era. The New Criminal Law is the truly anti-terror law. It will become an effective instrument for the state to move its oppressive machine and enforce all reactionary policies and regulations previously made which has always get opposition by Indonesian people.
The state and government of Indonesia have ratified the 1948 UDHR. In commemorating the 1948 UDHR in 2022, THE INDONESIAN PEOPLE who have joined the People’s Struggle Front (Front Perjuangan Rakyat/FPR) demand:
The FPR calls the people to always rise-up, organize and move collectively to defend the democratic rights inherent in every individual, society and nation since birth, which cannot be taken away by anyone. In accordance to the UDHR 1948, people have right to resist and even rebel when facing oppressive forces or depriving of basic rights. The recession today and even worse next year are the momentum for the imperialists and their semi-colonial countries to deprive basic rights of people that remain dregs.
The peasants had to defend their land from the big landlords even though it was only swamps and thickets. Workers must defend their jobs and continue to fight for their rights of better working conditions and freedom of association. Democratic intellectuals must restore their right to freedom of speech and stand with workers and peasants. National entrepreneurs must ensure that the Indonesian market is not for the import and export of imperialist capital!
Happy International Human Rights Day
Implement the 1948 UDHR without conditions! Repeal all policies and regulations of the Anti-UDHR 1948!
End Imperialism! Destroy Feudalism! Bureaucratic Capitalism and Corruptors are the enemy of the people!
The Oppressed and Exploited People of Indonesia, Unite!
Jakarta, 10 December 2022
Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR)
Rudi HB. Daman
General Coordinator

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