En las calles y en los tribunales – Continuando la lucha por justicia en Guatemala!
In the streets and in the courts Continuing the fight for justice in Guatemala!
El 9 de agosto, 2024. En el marco del día internacional de los Pueblos Originarios.
August 9, 2024. To mark the International Day of Indigenous Peoples.
5:00 pm Guatemala; 7:00 pm New York; 7:00 am Hong Kong on 10 August
Ponentes de movimientos de masas que buscan cambios estructurales, comunidades indígenas que luchan contra el extractivismo minero, familias de desaparecidos que llevan a los responsables ante la justicia.
Speakers from mass movements seeking structural change, indigenous communities fighting against mining extractivism, families of the disappeared bringing those responsible to justice.
Vicenta Jeronimo
From the Organisation CODECA
Ubaldino García Canan
Mayan Ch'orti Indigenous Council of Olopa Chiquimula
Paulo Estrada
Organisation Famdegua
Raúl Nájera
Human Rights Office of the Archbishopric of Guatemala ODHAG
The event is organized by:
International League of Peoples Struggle – Latin America and Caribbean
ILPS Commission 3 on Anti-Fascism and Human Rights
ILPS Commission 10 on Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities
Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination & Liberation (IPMSDL)
Presentado en Español
In Spanish with Translation to English provided
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