Statement of the Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR) and other ILPS Indonesia Organizations on the Occasion of International Human Rights Day
Without the Victory of Genuine Land Reform and National Industrializatin in Indonesia, the Majority of People Live without Human Rights
Without Genuine Land Reform and National Industrialization, President Prabowo Subianto Must Resign Now Instead of Reigning for the Next Five Years Without Fundamental Changes!
In commemoration of the 1948 General Declaration of Human Rights World Human Rights Day, December 10, 2024
International Human Rights Day 10 December 2024 is celebrated amidst the raging struggle of people and nations based on the principle of the right to self- determination including the right to separate from imperialism and the various local systems it maintains in various colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries as well as various social systems which can only live if oppression and exploitation persist.
Under the domination of imperialism, exploited and oppressed nations and people throughout the world are not only made angry, but deliberately frustrated, appearing weak and stupid, unable to do anything to liberate and guarantee the independence of the only 4.5 million Palestinian people who inhabit the narrow 6,020 sq km! How could the Indonesian nation and people simply believe that imperialism would simply grant the right to freedom and progress to the Indonesian nation with a population of 282.4 million who inhabit 1.9 million square kilometers of this very unique and rich landscape? What about the human rights of the 8.7 billion population who inhabit 510million square km of the earth’s surface?
The struggle of the Palestinian people and nation to be free from the colonial grip of ‘Israeli’ Zionist entity, a country created by the imperialists of the United States and its allies in order to maintain its dominance in the Middle East, must face the oppression of war as well as horrific genocide in front of all nations that claim to be civilized and will always uphold human rights and democracy. Hundreds of thousands of oppressed and exploited Palestinian people are murdered, hundreds of thousands lived in refugee camps, losing almost all rights to life. Others are in prison subjected to various forms of torture, abuse and humiliation.
The prolonged indirect war between Russia and the United States and its allies in Ukraine has taken away economic, political, cultural and security rights. The people are oppressed and exploited not only in the Donbass. There are multitudes of the loss of homes, hospitals, schools and workplaces, the seizure of freedom and life. The people of Russia, Ukraine, nearby countries and the whole world suffered because ofthe war, including the nation and people of Indonesia.
The Civil War in Syria, Yemen, the countries of Indochina, the Philippines, India, West Papua, Latin America and the vast lands of Asia and Africa, Slavia and the Caucasus are all in the throes of class struggle which has taken its highest form, war. They use their human rights to rebel, demanding the right to self-determination, the right to divorce from a system that the majority of the people do not want because it robs people of their freedom, weakening communities and nations, and has become an obstacle to progress and maintains backwardness so that they can be oppressed and exploited easily.
International Human Rights Day 2024 is also commemorated by the Indonesian people and nation under the rule of the new imperialist puppet government, the government of President Prabowo Subianto. President who successfully achieved the rank of Lieutenant General from Suharto’s fascist New Order government. The President who openly calls himself a Right Socialist (Soska), an adherent of ideology inherited from his father Sumitro Joyohadikusumo, leader of the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), a party that was suspended by Sukarno after Sumitro was proven to have rebelled with the support of the United States, the so-called the PRRI/Permesta Rebellion. From the 1950s, Sumitro worked with the Ford Foundation and the RAND Institute to produce a pro-imperialist bureaucratic, military and intellectual elite, all of whom became the core of Suharto’s New Order.
President Prabowo Subianto has learned a lot from the history of the nation and people of Indonesia and the world. He has also learned a lot from his predecessor, President Joko Widodo (JOKOWI). President Prabowo has experienced many changes! From a general who could only oppress with military-style violence to a president who truly understands how to carry out Jokowi-style Covert Fascism under the guise of democracy (Silent Facism) among the Indonesian people and nation which has experienced chronic destruction of its productive forces over a very long period of time.
President Prabowo Subianto’s Right Socialist ideology is the same chauvinist teaching as the general teachings of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party in Germany with a unique degree of quality of thought and implementation in different places and times, with theHitler and his ilk leaving a legacy as the most cruel human rights abuser who has ever ruled the world. This ideology is the biological child of far-right capitalism which always appears when capitalism experiences its most severe crisis, and is on the verge of collapse. This Hitlerite ideology teaches us to be a nation reigning supreme above other nations, that we must be able to win the competition against any nation in the world. In practice, Indonesian peasants’ commodities are put into a demand in which it must be able to beat Thai and Vietnamese peasants’ commodities on the world market. Indonesian peasants must be successful, even though Thai and Vietnamese peasants who are unable to compete must starve because of this. The ideology of chauvinism, no matter how thick the PATRIOTIC veil covering it, is an evil ideology that oppresses and exploits other communities and nations for the sake of the progress of one’s own community and nation. The root of all the terrible ideas and practices of colonialism in the world is chauvinism!
Over a long period of time, the Indonesian nation and people are still struggling to wage a national-patriotic liberation movement against the domination of imperialism in Indonesia. The Indonesian nation and people do not need President Prabowo’s chauvinism which is wrapped in false patriotism, reactionary right nationalism whose essence is only the chauvinism of a supposed ‘God’ who has saved imperialism from destruction when a deadly crisis was taking place in the world. The Indonesian nation and people can only liberate themselves and reclaim their human rights which have been confiscated by the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system. In fact, they must free themselves from the teachings of chauvinism.
The victory of genuine land reform in order to defeat land monopoly and national industry to defeat the domination of imperialist financial capital in Indonesia is the only path that must be taken, the only opportunity that must be born, so that the human rights of the Indonesian people and nation which have been taken away by imperialists and other big landowners as well as corrupt bureaucrat capitalists can bereclaimed.
The Indonesian nation and people do not need FAKE INFRASTRUCTURE, DOWNSTREAMING and DIGITALIZATION under the domination of investment capital interests and imperialist debt and their puppet governments. Natural damage, loss of sustainable natural resources, unemployment and poverty of indigenous people and local workers due to downstreaming and digitalization have been so severe during President JOKOWI’s government. We do not need new evidence of serious harm in the next five years for the same programs that have been proven evil in previous eras.
FPR and ILPS Indonesia together with all national democratic, anti-imperialisT, anti-feudal and anti-bureaucratic capitalist organizations call for the unity of the oppressed and exploited people of Indonesia against the joint dictatorship of the comprador big bourgeoisie class and big landlords who have chosen President Prabowo Subianto as their main representative.
On the occasion of Human Rights Day 2024, FPR and ILPS Indonesia reiterate that Without the victory of genuine land reform and national industrialization in Indonesia, the majority of people live without human rights. Infrastructure, downstreaming and digitalization will only be useful for the Indonesian nation and people if they are carried out after the victory of genuine land reform and become an integral part of a genuine national industrialization program, an industry that is free from investment capital and imperialist debt!
Because of this, the FPR and ILPS Indonesia demand that, without genuine land reform and national industry, President Prabowo Subianto MUST resign right now rather than reigning for the next five years pass without fundamental changes!
Use the 1948 General Declaration of Human Rights as your guide! Win Genuine Land Reform and National Industry!
Destroy Imperialism!
Annihilate Feudalism!
Abolish Bureaucratic Capitalism, the Enemy of the People!
Oppressed and Exploited People of Indonesia, Unite!
Jakarta, 10 December 2024
Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR), Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA), Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia (GSBI), Front Mahasiswa Nasional (FMN), Pemuda Baru Indonesia (PEMBARU), Serikat Perempuan Indonesia (SERUNI), Keluarga Besar Buruh Migran Indonesia (KABAR BUMI), Institute for National and Democracy Studies (INDIES)